Encuentra fácilmente tu apartamento de alquiler de larga duración en Madrid y Barcelona

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  • save-time Ahorra tiempo y no pierdas ninguna oferta. Especifica tus preferencias y comenzaremos a buscar coincidencias relevantes en más de 30 sitios web.
  • save-time Sé el primero en saberlo.Recibe notificaciones de WhatsApp tan pronto como se liste una propiedad que cumpla con tus criterios en el mercado.
  • save-time Comparte tu suscripción. Añade a un amigo a la búsqueda y mantente sincronizado mientras ambos recibís notificaciones instantáneas.
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How does WhatApartment work?

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Set your preferences

Customize your search filtering by location, price, and size. Now, sit back while we scan more than 30 websites.

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Receive matches in real-time on WhatsApp and email

As soon as a property fitting your requirements is listed, we will send it to you (and your buddy) on WhatsApp and email.

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Be the first to respond and secure your dream rental

Quickly respond in a few clicks and guarantee your viewing.

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Note: Listings don't always specify if a property has the features mentioned above. If WhatApartment is unsure, we'll send it to you just in case.

Note: When you click “Create account” we will create a free account for you. Clicking also means you agree to our privacy policy and general terms and conditions.

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    No more endless scrolling

    Stop spending countless hours to find a rental. We will do all the work for you monitoring more than 30 websites. Less time searching, more time imagining where to put your couch.

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    Stay ahead of the rest

    Discover the latest available apartments before anyone else with instant notifications.

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    Searching with someone?

    Add your flatmate or partner to the hunt so they get instant notifications too. Split the effort, the excitement, and the bill.

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    5-day money back guarantee

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Frequently Asked Questions

Sit back and relax as we scan +100 listing websites every minute. Less time searching, more time imagining where to put your couch.

Sit back and relax as we scan +100 listing websites every minute. Less time searching, more time imagining where to put your couch.

Sit back and relax as we scan +100 listing websites every minute. Less time searching, more time imagining where to put your couch.

Sit back and relax as we scan +100 listing websites every minute. Less time searching, more time imagining where to put your couch.

Sit back and relax as we scan +100 listing websites every minute. Less time searching, more time imagining where to put your couch.

Sit back and relax as we scan +100 listing websites every minute. Less time searching, more time imagining where to put your couch.

Sit back and relax as we scan +100 listing websites every minute. Less time searching, more time imagining where to put your couch.

Automate the search for your next rental home